Thu 18 Feb 2010

FAC251 The Factory: The Legend Lives on 20 Years Later…


For those of you who live in or around Manchester or even those of you who don’t, you might have heard excited chatter about the newly opened club FAC251 The Factory.  The building, which housed the original Factory Records offices, has been completely refurbished and redesigned by the original architect Ben Kelly in a bid to make it into three floors of live bands, indie and dance music. Reviving the legendary ‘One Charles Street’ to its former glory with a huge dose of music nostalgia, FAC251 is the joint venture of Peter Hook and Tokyo Industries.

“We made history not money”  Tony Wilson

The club’s grand (and highly anticipated) opening by Hook himself on the 5th February will hopefully be the start of a great new opportunity for music and new bands and artists alike. In an interview with NME magazine last month, Hook explained,

“I’ve always found Manchester to be a very fair place and always wanting to strive and move forward and we’re gonna be part of that, and we’re putting our money where our mouth is.”

Now officially open as a club and live music venue, FAC251 The Factory will play host to two great gigs in the coming months; Manchester’s very own Kid British will play a hometown gig on 23rd April and Scottish DJ Hudson Mohawke will appear at the club a few days later on the 27th April.

Think i’ll have a mosey on down….
